วันศุกร์ที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Cheap Golf Vacations - Beware of What You May Get

If you are one of those who want to enjoy a relaxing carefree golf game, then you might be among those who love cheap golf vacations. This of course is not at all surprising especially that the global economic crisis effect is still around. Although this is merely a personal choice, the greatest question would be if the same relaxation and carefree game that you are aiming for would still be offered with these options. Is the selection of golf packages, which are cheaper worth your while?

cheap golf vacation packages
For some, hooking into cheap golf vacations might just be what they are looking for. Surely, they could never ask for more than what their low budget can actually afford. But amidst that list of resorts offering less expensive options, which ones should you choose? Keep in mind, that you should be careful when selecting any cheap vacation.

The first thing to do would be to take a closer look on what is being offered. For instance, the whole package might indeed be very enticing due to its relatively low price because the accommodations are rather poor.

The comfort, which you might have in mind, might just be eradicated in this aspect. So instead of a comfortable, relaxing sleep, you might be getting a pain in your back every morning or you may not be able to sleep due to noise or other disturbing factors.

Since it is a thrifty offer, you also have to consider the place where the package is available. Instead of going to a peaceful place and getting the restful, leisurely vacation, you might on the contrary be harassed. Your dream of a relaxed trip will surely be soured with each passing day and you might wish to go home soon even when the package isn't through yet.

Before transferring your payment, it is also best that you do a background check. This is done in order for you to make sure that you are not paying for a scam you could end up being broke without any vacation.

Although the offers might not be as cheap as what you really have dreamed, at least you are certain that you will be getting the best out of your investment. Finding discounted rates from time to time among these resorts is also evident. Cheap golf vacations are possible; just do your homework so you know what you are getting.

We provide information on Kauai golf destinations [http://www.floridagolfnow.com/Kauai_Golf_Destinations.html] along with many other golf related topics for both experienced and novice golfers. floridagolfnow.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3996607

วันพุธที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Golf Trolleys: How to Choose an Electric Golf Trolley

There are different types of electric golf trolley on the market which are competitively priced. As such, it is important to make the right choice. In fact, one should consider purchasing electric trolleys as an investment. Some of the models available in the market include Auto Kaddy golf trolley with 36 holes lithium battery, auto Kaddy trolley with 26 ah SLA battery, auto Kaddy LCD golf trolley with 18 holes sealed lead acid battery.

Electric Golf Trolley
Here are some of the important factors that you should consider when choosing an electric golf aid.

The first thing you need to consider is the need for the trolley. Assess the feature you would like and the expectations you have. Therefore, it is important to conduct a research and compare various models before making the decision to purchase an electric trolley.

The size of the trolley is an important factor to consider before making your choice. You should go for a trolley that would fit in your car. If your car is a large one, you may not have problem transporting a large trolley to and from the golf course. On the other hand, if you own a small car, an electric golf trolley which can be folded easily in order to take little space will be appropriate.

The quality of the trolley is also an important factor to consider. It is advisable to invest in the best trolley available even though the price will vary with the quality. You should read various reviews in order to have more information about various models. It is recommended that you choose a trolley with a powerful and quite motor. Remember that a high quality trolley will last longer. Make sure that the battery of the golf trolley is strong enough to power the trolley through 36 holes.

Another factor to consider before purchasing electric golf trolleys is the load capacity. You should, therefore, read the specification of various models carefully. Bigger trolley can carry large bags, the less powerful trolley that are smaller can only carry lighter bags weighing about 15kgs.

It is also prudent to consider the functionality of the device. Different golf trolleys have different functionality and some will suite your specific needs more than others. In particular, you should check the maneuverability,the type and number of wheels, the control options, the ease of steering, and the frame.

These are some factors to consider when choosing electric golf assistant.

For all your Electric Golf Trolleys choose Great Outdoors Online who offer a fabulous range of top quality, competitively priced products for those of you who enjoy caravaning, golf, taking your pets out, cycling, motoring, motor cycling and getting out on your mobility scooter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7272911

วันอังคารที่ 25 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Electric Golf Trolleys - Choosing the Right One for You

Selecting an Electric Golf Trolley is a daunting task. With little independent research available, how does one decide which trolley is the right one? Here are some tips to help guide you in that process.

Electric Golf Trolleys
Start by defining the features you want. Features come with a price tag - so early in the process, decide a comfortable price range. Research models available; see how their features match your needs and price range.

If you just want help in moving the clubs, you may be well satisfied with choosing from manually-controlled electric golf carts. If convenience is what you are after, and don't mind the extra cost, a Remote Control Golf Caddy may be what you are looking for. The good news is that the price gap between manually-controlled and remote-controlled trolleys has lessened in recent years.

With a manual-control electric golf caddy, the cart functions are controlled from a panel on the cart handle. And because you need to be close to the cart to advance it, freedom of movement is limited. With remote control, the golf caddy is controlled by a wireless device the size of a small TV remote. So, you have more freedom of movement; but, you'll need someplace like a pocket to carry the remote device.

In choosing the right electric golf caddy, I recommend first narrowing the choices to either Manual or Remote Control Golf Trolleys. This will make the research easier. When you've decided which of these paths you'd like to research, look at these major factors: 1) Performance, 2) Control Features, and 3) Drive System.

1.Performance - determines how well your electric golf caddy transports the clubs. Important parameters are Climb-Capability (in degrees of slope), OperatingRange (the number of holes you can play on a single battery charge, and Carrying Capacity (maximum carry weight). For Range you may see something like 18-27 holes which, usually means 18 holes on hilly and 27 holes on flat courses. Unless you plan to play only on flat courses, I recommend you look at electric golf carts rated a minimum of 27 holes. Regarding Climb-Capability -- for hilly courses look for a cart rated at least 20 degrees; 30 degrees is better. Regarding Carrying Capacity - look for carts rated at least 15 lbs. more than the maximum weight of your bag & clubs.

Performance Factors - Factors that determine electric golf trolley performance are motor size in Watts, battery power in Amp-Hours (Ah) and cart/battery weight. For most courses a motor rated at 175 Watts should be adequate. Battery power can vary from ~20 Ah to ~ 40 Ah. For hilly courses look for batteries rated in the 30-40 Ah range.

2. Control Features:  Below is a listing of the more commonly available control features. Usually the more you get, the more you pay. Look over these features, separate them into categories 1) "gotta have," 2) "nice to have" and 3) "don't need," and make your buying decision accordingly.

a. Basic control feature choices available in Electric Golf Trolleys:

  •     Variable forward speed - Available on all
  •     Distance Advance - Allows the cart to be advanced in its current direction a pre-selected distance (e.g. 10, 20, or 30 yards). Especially helpful around the green where, after you've removed your putter, you can automatically move the cart closer to the back of the green toward the next hole.
  •     Speed Memory - The cart returns to your pre-selected walking speed each time it is re-started.
  •     Cruise Control - The cart maintains same speed going up or downhill.
  •     Electronic Brakes - A feature to help avoid "run-away carts."
  •     Free-Wheeling - Enables disengaging power and operate like a push cart

b. Basic Feature choices available in Remote Control Golf Carts:

  •     Turning (Left and Right) - Controlled remotely
  •     Reverse Direction - Controlled remotely

c. Advanced Feature Choices available in Electric Golf Trolleys:

  •     Torque Control - Enables smooth starts and stops - less jerking
  •      "Smart Start" - Starts at pre-set conditions
  •     Descent Control - Controls the speed of the cart during descent
  •     Automatic Shut-Off - Automatically shuts off trolley when no command received in 40 seconds; prevents run-away.
  •     Electronic Tracking - Cart's power and turns can be programmed to fit the characteristics of the course being played.
  •     Programmable speed settings - Allows one to pre-program personalized speed settings.

d. Convenience feature choices in Electric Golf Carts:

    Battery Charge Indicator - for "peace of mind"
    LED Displays - For a more "in control" feeling
    Diagnostic Information - In case there is trouble

3. Drive Wheels: 

  1. The drive wheel(s) may be front or rear. Older golf trolley designs often had front- wheel drives. These tend to have more slippage going uphill; however a positive point is they tend to tip over backwards less. For rear-wheel drive trolleys, a retractable anti-tip rear wheel is a must on hilly courses. 
  2. Single or dual-drive wheels. Single drive wheels have less to control; however, power is generally limited to a single motor. Newer designs tend to be dual independent rear-wheel drive. These have more power than the older single-wheel designs and advances in control technology make coordination of independently powered wheels more affordable.

4. Other Factors:  When satisfied that you understand these basic purchase decision factors then consider other factors such as those listed below: 

A. Construction Design and Materials: Look for sturdy, but lightweight construction Tubular steel frames are the most rugged, but also weigh more. An aluminum frame is lighter than steel, but dents more easily. A titanium frame is light and strong, but more expensive. Models made of anodized aluminum alloy frame with titanium finish might be a good choice for the occasional golfer. The golfer who is on the course every day may want to consider a steel or titanium frame.

B. Component Materials: Steel bag supports are generally stronger and longer lasting than those made of ABS or other plastic materials.

C. Dimensions and Fold-ability: Check folded, unfolded dimensions to make sure the cart will fit into your car, and whether it is easy to setup and fold. Find a good match for your build and height.  . The handle height should be comfortable reach.

D. Weight: You want the trolley to be light enough to lift in and out of your car by yourself. So confirm the total weight of the cart including the battery.

E. Handle: Consider the handle shape & design. Select a handle that allows you to grab easily and operate, especially if you are left-handed. Pay attention to where handle mounted controls are located (right, left, center).

F. Wheels and Tires:  Wide tires tend to be more stable and are easier on the course. Pneumatic tires with tread slip less on wet grass. Trolleys with quick-release main wheels are easier to store and clean. Double-check to see if the cart can be easily pushed in a free-wheeling mode.

G. Accessories: The cart you select has optional accessories. Some of these may be included with the cart, and that is worth taking into account in your buying decision.

H. Warranty: Select a trolley with at least a one year warranty. Trolleys go through a lot during their life. Higher-end (and higher priced) trolleys are likely to have a 2-year frame/parts warranty. Better batteries come with 1-year warranty. Occasionally you will find a separate & longer duration warranty for the motor.

I. After-Sale Service: Customer service and technical support are also worth considering before buying your golf trolley. Check customer reviews to see whether the trolley is reliable and the dealer is reputable. Make sure that there is someone ready to assist you in case you need technical support. I have found that Sunrise golf carts provides a good selection, at excellent prices and superb customer service.


Having read this you now have the main ingredients for making a good informed decision about which trolley to purchase. Good Luck and Good Golfing!

Larry Swanson is a golfer who regularly walks the course and can provide additional information about choosing the right electric golf trolley for you.

For an excel spread sheet comparing features and specifications of some electric golf trolleys, contact the author at info@sunrisegolfcarts.
Look for more information and articles and product selections at sunrisegolfcarts.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4960049

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

Remote Controlled Electric Golf Trolley

More than fifteen percent of golfers experience problems with their knees, hips, or backs and this number is growing as Baby Boomers enter their golden years. Research and development of golf playing aids continues to offer improvements in assistive golf technology to satisfy the needs of the growing senior golf population.

electric caddy
One of the favorite assistive devices available to the able-bodied and disabled community is the electric golf caddy or trolley. Although the numerous cardiovascular health benefits of walking the golf course are widely known, the four or five hour trek is not easy an easy haul for everyone.

Even those who are able to make the walk with relative ease would rather focus their attention on their game than struggle with a 30 to 40 pound bag. Here is where the electric golf caddy or trolley shows what it's advantages are. Compared to other options, the electric golf caddy proves itself to be the ideal means of getting around the course.

First, there is the option of walking with a golf bag not a comfortable notion for someone with knee, hip, or back problems. The process of lugging the bag, setting it down, picking it up, and walking with it from hole to hole is hard on the back and joints even for one who has no disability at all. Our golf caddy which has two models, in comparison makes carrying of your golf bag effortless. One model is remote control and the other is manual but both models feature high tech drive mechanisms and braking systems that provide effortless transporting of golf gear.These caddies let you focus your attention on the game. Research proves that this additional focus when using an electric caddy improves a golfer's handicap.

Second is the option of a ride on golf cart is limited to where they can travel especially on courses where the carts are restricted to the paved pathways. These golf carts are also very damaging ecologically to the course. Golf carts you ride on do not provide any health benefits in comparison to walking. In comparison, the electric golf cart can go anywhere you do, and their light weight has no more negative impact on the course than that of a walker.This enhanced mobility can also speed up play, since you can go directly from Point A to Point B without being restricted to a cart path.

Third option is the push or pull cart. Even though this choice does provide cardiovascular benefits it lacks the convenience and remote control features of an electric caddy.The push or pull cart is no bargain in the effort and strain department, either, especially when you are traveling with it over hilly terrain.

Whether you select our remote control or manual control electric golf caddy, both models provide benefits and characteristics that makes choosing either one a winning move.

With their lightweight high-tech frames, both of our electric golf caddies are sturdily constructed and have durable bag support components. Both models come in silver, black or stainless steel finishes.

Both models are simple to setup. The manual control electric golf caddy sets up in one step with a fold design that has an adjustable height mechanism that locks.The remote control electric golf caddy features an easy two-step, one-click setup design.

Once the game day is over, preparing the electric caddy for transport is as easy as the setup. The easy fold design collapses the caddy into one piece to fit into any vehicle trunk with no need to remove the battery. Both of our electric golf caddies has a powerful long lasting battery which lasts for a minimum 27 holes on a full charge. (Battery and charger are included with your purchase.)In the unlikely event that your battery ever did run out of juice, both models can be easily pushed without power.Both models feature battery charge indicators.

The manual electric golf caddy has a powerful noiseless motor, while the remote controlled electric golf caddy has two powerful independently controlled noiseless motors. Both models can be used with ease with a seamless rheostat speed control with torque wheel control.

They also come with a cruise control button; if you press it after you stop, the caddy automatically goes back to your regular speed.

The remote control electric golf caddy has a wide-range remote control, features directional controls (forward, sideways, and reverse), a timed advance function, and emergency and soft coasting stop functions. It gives you full control up to 120 yards, and stops automatically if it does not receive commands from the remote control within 25 seconds.

The electric golf caddies will never leave you stranded out on the course. Read the testimonials on our site. Both models have durable wheels for great traction and maneuverability. Both models come with a score card holder and other accessories are available.

Assistive golf aids like the electric golf caddy restore recreation and ability to the growing number of seniors and disabled golfers who might not otherwise be able to play the game due to physical discomfort and mobility challenges. The electric golf caddy is an assistive golf aid that cannot be beat for convenience, comfort and especially value.

http://www.Golf-Aid.com offers Golf Equipment, Golf Training Aids, Golf Playing Aids for seniors and the disabled, Golf Practice Aids and Golf Gifts. Regain your freedom to play the sport of golf. We also have all the Golf Equipment you would require to play like a pro. That is why our motto is "For the pro in You". For more detailed information on Electric Golf Trolleys click here Benefits of Using Self Propelled Electric Golf Push carts
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/575592